Friday, October 9, 2009


So I have literally had the most fullfilling transformation over the past couple weeks and I have to share it with you!

Remember how I was going on and on about being lonely and finding someone who can "Heal Me"? Well guess what? I DID and It's me! I know, I know, DUH right. All along I was all I needed and I was looking for something more.

My first clue to this transformation was this sudden wave of comfortability I started to feel when I was alone and then I wasnt looking for any phone calls or attempting to reach out to any one... I was just happy with my self with out any attention from the opposite sex.

Second Ive been casually dating this guy off and on for almost a couple of months now and I don't look for his call or wait for the next time he ask me out and on top of that I'm not thinking what's next all the time Im just CHILLIN (literally).

There is more but that's a bit personal and I'm sure you don't want the nitty gritty details....

POINT IS, I AM FREEEEE! and It feels so good.... I can walk into a room full of people or a room that is empty and not feel alone now....

Where this came form?? I will never know.... I have a feeling it was a dateless weekend I had a few weeks back. I spent the weekend with my bestfriend OF COURSE and a couple of male FRIENDS (SA DI KI!!! -Gotta add that inside shout out real quick lol), the time I had with these guys that I wasnt intrested in was soo fulfilling and simple that I realized I don't need a romantic relationship with a man to keep me smiling....

IT's YOUR TURN.... Be Independent! Hey if I can do it so can you....


1 comment:

  1. You came to a conclusion that many will never come to. People don't realize that all they need is themselves to be happy. Once you are happy, everything around you becomes easier to deal with. People are attracted to happy and good people. When you are alone and sad, people move away from you even more. I am so happy that you arrived at your happy place! :) Nice article!
