Monday, August 3, 2009

In Love With A Married Man...

So today I'm Telling It Like It Was Told, by women and men of a variety of geographics. Married, single, young, and old.

At this particular point in my life I realize that a relationship with strings attached is just not for me. Unlike many young women my age I have been there, done that, and then some so the games that are played by "men" my age fail to suprise me. Therefore I am stuck in what I call the twighlight zone of relationships where I am constantly disappointed or unimpressed. While discussing this with a few people a constant idea of how to solve this issue kept coming up...

I'm Telling It Like It Was Told... I was told to DATE MARRIED MEN!

It is my development that this idea is an epidemic that is a reality of our time... At one point or another in our lives we as women will have a friend who is in a relationship with a married man. It may even be us who is in that relationship. I am setting out today to discuss the PROs and CONs of these relationship in hopes that you will understand the decision that I have made.


While dating a married man you are allowed to acquire the same benefits that a "girlfriend" would acquire with out having to commit. I mean it's great you get to go on dates to where ever you choose because he wants to please you, he will take you on business trips with him so that he assures that you all can have some romantic alone time, if you ever need money he has it because he is already established, "intamacy" is always there because he adores you, and the sex is amazing because of the sheer adrenaline, etc., etc., etc. all while not having to commit (i.e. wash his dirty draws, clean up after him, or be around him when you don't want to). It's amazing.


It is my belief that a women can not have a continuos intimate relationship with a man without catching feelings for him... Now you may disagree but my point has been proven in everyone of our lives. Just think back to the guy you said you "didn't care about", or "didnt care what he did"... and that same guy is the one who pisted you off because of something he did do or say... Now you see what I mean? Here you are physically, mentally, and emotionally involved with a man who will never give you all of him let alone be able to commit to you (and if you think he is leaving his wife... YOU ARE STRAIGHT TRIPPIN). Not to mention the many nights you will spend sleeping alone... yea alone, just you and your not so warm pillow. Oh and try not to forget the karmic kick in the ass you will receive when you finally decide that you are in love and want to be in a commited relationship.

Basically It's like quick sand... Seems great at first and then next thing you are sinking and can't seem to get out of it's vicious grasp.

Now, I have to be honest peer pressure is a beast and YES I did CONSIDER this as an option but when weighing out my options I realized that this is a burden much to heavy to bear despite the "perks" and constant come ons that I receive from married men on a daily basis.

I hope you to will weigh out the PROs and CONs and even for those who are engaging in these type of relationships now, it's never too late... Are you really happy or is this a quick fix... are you happy saying "I am in love with a married man".... nope, I didnt think so.

I'm Just Saying...

Just keeping it real,

Ms. Thang